Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Penguins in the Battlefield

Funny as it may sound...whenever i open my refrigerator, a stack of plastic PearlPet bottles lie in the middle shelf and they constantly remind me of soldiers standing straight up ready for a battle...or penguins running around; doing their 'penguin walk'; swaying from side to side...
so here's a tribute to all them soldiers who keep getting exhausted and are repeatedly charged(, filled with water) throughout the day...for days...and months...or more...but these bottles are
And yes...the wine bottle right next to them looks like its commanding the bottles to 'charge!'!!!

(The background was done with a purple wax crayon by keeping a cheese grater behind the sheet...hence the imprints...and then gone over with blue paint on it for resist effect...and then for some reason the wax crayon was scraped off to make the background look lighter...)


Unknown said...

interesing effect..

Anonymous said...

HEEEE!!! I likes this!!!! :D

Unknown said...

hey...intersetin thought as well as treatment...
way to go

delusmi said...

the colors are brilliant!

Creative Commons License
This work by Jasjyot Singh Hans is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.