Monday, May 4, 2009

Of Late Nights and Women.

Yes, it was a plan, to make myself sound really shady with the title. And yes, I do feel guilty for not updating little blog for quite a while now. It's 'haulidays'! And due to my royally messed up time cycle, at home I can't sleep when I'm supposed to and am pretty much, well, brain dead. These sketches were done on one such night from a book on female action models. The light and shade treatment was more of an extension of a freehand drawing course excercise and I ended up sleeping by some 4 am after a happy little sketching session. JOY!
Hope you like it.
Do leave feedback.
And have a lovely day:)


Shreyas said...

very Cabinet of Dr.Claigari types.

Shreyas said...

Caligari i mean

jazzlamb said...

hehe. thanku:)

Unknown said...

Now I need to watch the movie..haha..
I like the 2nd sheet.

Shreyas said...

Kaveri-on-the-moon you are now eh.
Oh you must watch that film. I've seen it 4 times.

Screen it! bah, ok, I'll continue FIN discussions elsewhere and save jassiboy's comment page.

Bondhu said...

George Braque would have drawn humans like this... if you dnt knw who is braque...find it :)good show!!!

Anish Daolagupu said...

the "Faculty" strikes again.....

hee hee...

female action models?
what kind of action?

*nudge! nudge!*

nice drawings, btw... :)

Shreyas said...

haha ya, faculty attack.

yes jassi tell us, what action?

jazzlamb said...

Sadly enough, not even close the action(s) we might share Anish.
thanks a lot though:)
And I did try to stay awake through Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, I just couldn't. When I got up, people were clapping and it was dinnertime:)

Bondhu said...

@ shreyas & anish : i wish both you guys have a role reversal as in structure wise in your next life....anish becomes as thin as shreyas n shreyas as huge n fat as anish :p with same facial features....its a curse from the faculty....
@ jasjyot : sorry for the blitzkrieg there will be more...of this sort ...BUHAHAHAHA( evil laughter)

Creative Commons License
This work by Jasjyot Singh Hans is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.