Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stop Sleep Motion.

We juuuust finished shooting our first BIG project; which happens to be a group stopmotion/claymation film. It has been a mad ride, and looks like it is only going to get more mad. On mind blocked days with no hope inside a stuffy room, I'd take out my sketchbook and brush pen (or play Plants Vs Zombies; more often). During the shoot someone or the other would ALWAYS be asleep. Any surface would do. Floor, a sunken mattress, a chair, two chairs or sometimes even three! See for yourself.

Ha. Looking at all this is making me sleepy. Goodnight.
Feedback appreciated.


michael robertson said...

great sketches! I'd say more but I'm getting sleepy...

Tomás Serrano said...

Uf, wonderful "siesta" there...

jazzlamb said...

@Micheal: Some sleep won't do anyone bad:)thanks a lot!
@Tomas: Thank you so much!!! I'm really glad you stopped by:D

Unknown said...

Your sketching sensibility is amazing, buddy...

Nimi said...

Well drawn sketches. Especially the third piece. Great job

Gavin Goo said...

Loving the sketches! :)

Jason James Curtis said...

Wonderful sketches...and I gotta say, I absolutely adore stop motion animation. I hope you'll be able to share something with us in the near future.

surabhi said...


Creative Commons License
This work by Jasjyot Singh Hans is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.