Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The. Heat. Is. Killing. Me.

Winter. come. stick to me.


Shreyas said...

any excuse to draw skimpy bebbehs eh?

jazzlamb said...

heehee. well, kinda:)

Lisa Mertins illustration said...


Jordi Solano said...

Hi, I'm sorry my answer comes a little late, i've been missing for a couple weeks or so, but the work you asked me about is coloured with photoshop, using some watercolour textures to bring a bit of "human touch".

Hope it helped.

abhishek singh said...

i see some one talented is doing some really cool work here:)
my fav r craving and unfold, for sure some Bill Watterson genes in u

Creative Commons License
This work by Jasjyot Singh Hans is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.