Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Fluoroscent Love Clone Affair Stamp.

I always had a thing for bright and neon and fluorescence. But recently it's just taking over. These be evidences. And then the clone stamp in Photoshop. I think its an affair. Or a fling. Well, I'm not quite sure.

My faculty.
Original Name : Dhiman Sengupta

The nympho and the takers.

Well, Lady GaGa influences. Hence the 'Disco Stick'.

All sketches done during class.
Fluorescent on newsprint.
Do leave feedback:)


trip-arty said...

lovely sketches mere juicy chhatri...i like the texture of newsprint...

steve said...

Haha, yeah, I grew up in the new wave eighties, so it's interesting to see neon back big time. Thing is, I actually like it!

Lovelands said...

Hey Ulti,

You commented on my Susan Boyle post so AI checked out your blog. I just wanted to tell you I really dig your work. It reminds me of Egon Schiele a bit. Have you studied him? Just curious.

Emily said...

I really like the sharp colors! nice work!

Creative Commons License
This work by Jasjyot Singh Hans is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.