Friday, June 5, 2009

Illustration Friday : Craving

OK. Finally an Illustration Friday topic where I instantaneously think of what I'm going to use. Yes, I am craving for a huge, luscious, creamy, beautiful, godly slice of wonderful wonderful cheesecake!
Any will do, lemon, blueberry, mango, cherry, mocha, kiwi or more!
So, any givers?

The one above is the version that I drew recently, the bottom one being an old drawing:)


steve said...

Haha! Sounds tasty! Good job!

Atsi-Batsi said...

Love the illustration! I have crazy cravings too - but more for a gooey slice of chocolate cake!

Cathy said...

Hahahaha! Very powerful rendition of craving!

Jess said...

Haha -love it! This week's word is making me very hungry!

Miriam said...

I love your illustration. The spontaneity and colors are great. Nice comic as well!

Eli said...

Makes me hungry!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

I just had the pleasure of looking at your latest post. You are crazy on fire with ideas! They are so wonderful.

Kim de Young said...

Great style, nice line work and gesture... yum pie

Shreyas said...

I'll give.
when I get to ahmedabad.
once you give me my illustration!!

Lins Artyblobs said...

Great teeth!

thefridayfrog said...

ok i juts read - "hobbies" SQUISHING MOSQUITOS!

yyuuuuccck but YAY cuz' they're blood sucking parasites! >:-) mwhahahah!

this character is AWESOME, lammie! love lobe his teeth - so unique! and thanks so much for the visit! :)))

lil kim said...

yes, this is making me hungry too. blueberry, please!

Unknown said...

hahah, you and your food!
cool, but!

Unknown said...

cheeeeeesecake calls me!groan!
and I love second one for inducing this feeling.good job.

Creative Commons License
This work by Jasjyot Singh Hans is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.