Monday, March 16, 2009


Been very very uninspired lately... and my watercolor set and sketchbook had been rotting in my bag for so long... I kind of like how this took shape... wanted to get the whole floating watery effect. It is only a little relieving to realize I'm not completely out of touch... phew!


Rosalia Lerner said...

I like that work so much my friend!!
There are times that we don't have that touch ...and we feel like you have describe so well !!!

Unknown said...

Reduce contrast please..looked lovelier with the pale shades,on paper!Floating feeling conveyed better.

steve said...

I don't know, looks fine as it is. Really fabulous work.

maria cerezo said...

Wow! So cool! I like the composition and the colors. You've grasped very well the movement: I can see her to land!

Manasi Parikh said...

you sure have a way with women boy..berrybootiful!

Anonymous said...

hey nicely painted. i liked the way her head is ermm.....drawn

A life less ordinary !! said...

this one's pretty intense.. but still a good one capturing the loneliness and "floating in your thoughts" feeling ... but what happened to all your happy and smiling faces :) .. ki gall ???

Aajwanthi said...

Love the composition and the colours!! Great stuff yaar.

devashish guruji said...

oye! i like this one.. u got what you set out with .. the whole 'missing my watercolour set' thing... done justice i say! hehe..

Unknown said...

I love that hair, and those flowing lines. You do really good work. I wish I could be that loose.

Artsnark said...

lovely flow here

Burt said...

Very nice flow!

Unknown said...

Very nice colors and pose!

Creative Commons License
This work by Jasjyot Singh Hans is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.