Monday, March 9, 2009

Domestic Violence Reshaped.

This is the redone version of the illustration on 'domestic violence in rural India' for a publication project by NID for the Ministry of Welfare for Women and Children. The illustration stretches over a double spread, the black extending to the next page. I guess it works more than the previous illustration...I guess.


Rosalia Lerner said...

Makes a great impact , so sad, unfortunately so true.
That one is good as the first.
Both hurt...

Rima Kaur said...

i found the first one more hard hitting, though this one is equally good (or should i say bad?)

steve said...

Domestic violence is such a sickening thing, but you really nailed it here!

Tarun Padmakumar said...

domestic violence -BAD.

love the artwork u posted up lately.
The comic at first first was humorous then it sortof freaked me out, n I was thinking "what if tht happened to ME?" The art ofcourse stayed consistently good!

Manasi Parikh said...

the previous one is scarier! the man is bigger there, and the woman all alone there really makes me wanna plunge into the image and rescue her..

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comment!
I really dig your style man, esp. the male cartoons with their turbans :)

Creative Commons License
This work by Jasjyot Singh Hans is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.