An illustration I finished re-hee-cently that gets recycled for Illustration Friday:D
I'm in love with Lady Gaga and think she really is currently ahead of all in pop music for now; and has stepped it up. This is my first proper-proper illustration of her; inspired by her 'Paparazzi' video and her MTV VMA 2009 performance.
It is more like an act where she is lying on the ground with a pool of blood next to her.
I'm not tooooo happy with the way the background came out because I had something different in mind. Let me know what you think.
Top to Bottom: Final to outline to roughs.

Feedback, welcome:)
its nice you've put up the process sketches, they are just, well sexy.
you know I suggest you try flat colors sometime. like try colouring on illustrator or something,
( this sounds like such a 'graphics' suggestion but when it comes to lady gaga i could imagine something like that.
i think with your fun aesthetic sense, you would do a great job.
YUM!!! I just love Lady Gaga. You have captured her so fabulously!!! Great sketches!
like this,
@Vanessa: Thanks a lot! I'm glad you like the sketches:)
@ Prachi: Aagh! I can't see the image! It says it might have been deleted!!! What is it about? Hit me on a email na!
What amazing action and I love that you showed your process to get there too...
very cool! love that you included the sketches. thanks for sharing.
THs is great! Love the details especially the delicate fingers :)
This is great, I love some Lady Gaga. She is so unabashedly herself.
Thanks for including the sketches; I always like to see the process.
I like the moove you surprised/captured in this Image is sooo her,Gaga!!
So beautiful, buddy,
loved to see all the process, ur idea becoming sharper and sharper, til the final coloured piece.
waah waaah mere laaal..
person with watterson's DNA..good stuff:)
more plz:)
This is great, I love some Lady Gaga.
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